WDIO-TV will televise an hour-long debate "Your Voice, Your Vote: Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District Debate" on Monday, October 19 and the "Your Voice, Your Vote: Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District Debate" on Thursday, October 22.
Police are in the process of clearing out a homeless encampment known as Point of Rocks after getting complaints from the owner of the land, but the people living in the encampment say it is their home and don't want to leave.
加速器 风扇_知乎好物推荐:此时,风扇成了盛夏之前的过渡期必备电器。传统风扇在发展过程中虽然已经被赋予了很多人性化的元素,比如可遥控、预约、送风类型等功能,不过清洗方面还是不太方便。清洗电风扇需要先取下风扇的网罩,然后擦拭风叶。对于家里有儿童的家庭,更要格外当心,以防孩子稍不注意将手指伸入网 ...
为雷神投稿之我与雷神加速器的故事 - 知乎:一时加速一时爽,一直加速一直爽 18年的时候,我从高中走上了去往大学的路上,满心欢喜的入读了一所本地大学,也入手了一台游戏本,对于刚入大学充满激情的我,遇到了人生中第一个自己喜欢的游 …
New statistics released Thursday show the unemployment rate has fallen to 6% in Minnesota and 5.4% in Wisconsin. However, part of Minnesota's decline was due to fewer people seeking work.